Alia Bhatt in Bikini
Hot Alia Bhatt Bikini in the Student of the year

Alia Bhatt in bikini was told to lose weight for her debut as a leading actress in Student Of The Year. Bollywood actress work out in the gym to look toned and have fitness for various sports and swimsuit scenes while swimming in Goa beach.

Bollywood actress Alia, 19, said: “I always knew I had to lose some weight for bikini photo shoot but thought I was cute. I thought I was a little fat but I thought it was okay to wear swimwear.”

"Like in ‘Student of The Year’ I have worn a bikini. I was very comfortable doing that because it was required and it isn’t that I haven’t worn bikini in real life.” Alia Bhatt quotes. Though she have maintained a good diet and workout regime and has perfectly toned body but in her opinion Salman Khan is the ‘King of Body’.

“Alia felt that wearing a bikini in the film and looking good in it was her biggest achievement. It was an Academy Award winning moment for her,” said the 40-year-old director-producer Karan Johar in London revealed her actress photos hot.
Alia Bhatt appearance in Bikini more than once
Alia Bhatt one more time shed of clothes for camera and wore pink biikni on a beach so now her count of bikini expose is two.

Alia Bhatt has lost so much weight from right places and exposed her beautiful body in yellow bikini once. Then again, when she wished to please her fans, she loosed all her clothes to expose her pink bikini the second time.